Alternative Asset Managers

Embracing new technology to create innovative new operating models that may be in the cloud are becoming imperative to stay ahead.

Alternative Managers can be in the purest form, or organised as asset class teams as part of a broader asset management firm. The nature of the infrequent valuation of the assets, and a low correlation to bond sand equities has been a stabilising factor when constructing portfolios, and the growth in Alternatives have been explosive. 

In a well-diversified optimal portfolio most customers expect to see an allocation to private debt, private equity, real estate, infra structure and hedge funds.  

These asset classes have an impact on the investment process and on the asset allocation side, since market drift will eventually lead to a distribution that have moved away from the strategic long term allocation target. Since these investments by nature are long term and illiquid, trying to find proxies are a pragmatic approach to be able to rebalance. 

We understand the different approaches and business processes in the alternative asset managers and can help create and implement the operating model with the data architecture and processes required. 

Our consultants have the experience, knowledge and expertise in the areas below to help guide your organisation through your next large scale change programme by implementing technology solutions that support the vision of the firm.

Data, Cloud and Reporting

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Investment Management Technology

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Investment Servicing Technology

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Wealth Management

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