Axxsys Consulting Launch Market Data Review Service

Axxsys Consulting are pleased to announce the launch of a new Market Data Review service to help firms gain a better understanding of the costs and identify potential savings.

Market data is typically one of the top 5 expense areas in a financial services firm but there are countless suppliers, operating different models. This makes it easy to lose track of what you are paying for versus what you really need.

We use our experienced industry consultants to analyse the data that is collected and compare that to standards and norms. We will identify redundancies, gaps, and other anomalies. We will also identify other targeted opportunities for cost savings

Axxsys have previously carried out a Market Data review as part of a wider project for a client. The client achieved significant reductions in their Market Data costs including reducing their Bloomberg costs by 70% – having seen these results we decided that this could be a service which would we useful to the majority of our clients – therefore the ‘Axxsys Market Data Review’ was created.

The output following the review will be a clear, concise report giving the action points, including expected savings that can be achieved immediately (0-3 months), medium term (3-6 months) and long term (+6 months) thus enabling you to make informed decisions in term of prioritising and executing recommended actions. Critically, the report will also include recommendations for improved governance processes which means you maintain control of costs and risk in the future.

Contact Information

Sarah Andrews
+44 (0)20 7526 4900